While browsing the business pages - as
you do in July - I was staggered to read in the Guardian
that Marks and Spencers had spent a whopping £150 million on their new website.
How could this much be spent? What had it been spent on? How much of that
money, time and energy had focussed on making the website fit for purpose?
It had clearly been a disaster for
online sales which had dropped by 8% in only three months. Had the store lost its old customers – but
failed to gain new ones? There were no
clues in the business pages so looking back to the launch in February this year
the Daily Mail had its say and so did its readers - Shoppers' fury as new M&S websitecrashes.
Website users told the Mail they -
had error messages
couldn’t find what they were looking for
couldn’t get
basic product information and most important
buy anything.
According to one M&S Executive this
was just teething problems and it would soon be sorted out.
Maybe by now - I thought – the site
would be OK. I wanted to get replacement jeans as the others had simply worn
The thing about M&S is that their stuff is reasonably fashion neutral,
so you don’t end up looking daft after a couple of months with the latest
skinny bright - puce jeans you bought in that boutique because it seemed like a
good idea at the time.
The old jeans had holes where it was not fashionable or chic so
I looked at the label and the size and thought I would do my favourite Click
and Collect. The good thing is that you can still go and try them on in a
store I thought.
So I looked at the website on my
First problem – I had to scroll down
to see the full screen. The first thing I noticed on the navigation was FREE DELIVERY TO AUSTRALIA, NZ, USA AND
CANADA. Oh ….. so that’s new – can we get free delivery in the UK?
It took a while to find out that……er -
Yes we can but only if you spend over £30. Ho hum. OK back to Click
and Collect.
Now to find the jeans er…Womens…
No…. got Offers.
Then I got BRANDS ….. um… Per Una, Apostrophe?? Dunno –never looked for brands
in M&S. Maybe they asked all the buyers to say what they wanted on the
website – not the customers. Result every department wanted to be represented.
Got distracted as I couldn’t find
jeans and jeans and jeggings didn’t seem to have what I was after.
So….went for Style Adviser – now that
is fun.
You can dither and swap and then it comes up with some “Must Haves”. You
can get emails at the end. Can’t cope with the number I get now so….”No thanks”.
Maybe the revamp was worth it but what
about my workaday jeans? I had been on the site for at least 20 minutes and
enjoyed it but all I knew now was what my body shape is and that I liked some
things and not others.
Retail Therapy
Several days later I had some free
time in a country town on a Monday morning and had a look in Marks and
Found my jeans, tried them on, job done.
Looking further into the website revamp

Oh dear – the same old story – web site
developed as a stand-alone – not tied in with other systems. Online department cool
and whizzy but not connected with the rest of it.
Let’s see – I will still keep going
into M&S stores because they are generally pleasant and have helpful staff.
Plus I gather that I fit the profile of a typical M&S shopper – I also like
their food section and will not be ordering that online any time soon. I like
to browse the shelves!
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